How to choose between the ISEE and the SSAT

Applying to an independent school can feel like navigating a maze of choices. Which schools are a best fit for my child?  Should they attend a boarding school or a local school to which they can commute? Should they attend school overseas? One of the most frequently bewildering choices involves testing: which standardized exam should my child take? 

Most independent schools require applicants to take an entrance exam as part of the admissions process. There are two main exams used by private elementary, middle, and high schools: the Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE) and the Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT). Understanding the nuances between these exams is crucial for families gearing up for admissions.

Do schools prefer the ISEE or SSAT?

Every school publishes on their website whether they require a test and which test they accept. If a school says that it accepts either exam, it’s useful to call and ask the school if they have a preference. A number of schools truly don’t have a preference, and you can choose either exam. But some might actually prefer one over the other. For example, many East Coast boarding schools may prefer the SSAT, whereas lots of New York City prep schools may prefer the ISEE. It’s always a safe bet to call and ask!

If a school accepts both, you’ll want to choose the test that works best for your student’s strengths and goals. To make an informed decision you’ll need to understand how the tests are similar and how they differ.

What are the similarities between the ISEE and the SSAT?

Both the ISEE and SSAT serve as gatekeepers, evaluating students’ verbal skills, reading comprehension, and mathematical proficiency at their current grade level. For both exams, the test length varies depending on whether the applicant is applying to elementary, middle, or high school. Additionally, the ISEE and SSAT offer exams in multiple formats and locations. Students can choose between paper exams in a test center or school, computer-based tests in a test center, and online tests taken at home. 

What are the differences between the ISEE and the SSAT?

While there are similarities between the exams, there are also distinct differences that may make one test a better option for your child.

Test content

SSAT: Tailored for students with strong linguistic abilities, the SSAT emphasizes verbal aptitude. Featuring more verbal questions and an emphasis on synonyms and analogies, this exam offers a platform for students to demonstrate their command over language.

ISEE: Geared towards students strong in mathematics, the ISEE places a greater emphasis on quantitative reasoning. With a higher number of math questions compared to verbal ones, this exam challenges students to showcase their mathematical prowess.

Guessing Penalty

SSAT: The Upper Level and Middle Level SSAT exams penalize incorrect answers with a ¼ point penalty, reward correct answers with a full point, and assign zero points for unanswered questions. This penalty creates an added layer of strategy for students to navigate.

ISEE: There is no guessing penalty on any ISEE exam. All levels of the ISEE exam encourage students to attempt every question, eliminating the fear of penalties for incorrect responses.

Test Frequency

SSAT: Students taking the SSAT have many chances to take the exam. The SSAT offers multiple opportunities for testing, including up to five paper tests and two computer-based tests, with a limit of one Flex test per student. 

ISEE: The ISEE restricts testing to once per testing season. The three testing seasons are listed below:

Fall: August to November

Winter: December to March

Spring/Summer: April to July

If a family is applying as a non-transfer, the student will need to take the test by early January. As a result, students taking the ISEE exam may only have two chances to take the exam. It tends to work well for students to test once in November and once in December.

For more information on the best test timeline, see our tips on when to prepare for and take the ISEE or SSAT.

How do I choose between the ISEE and SSAT?

If these differences and your school’s preference make one test a clear winner for your child, congratulations! Your choice is made. But for most families clarity only comes with a deeper look at how your child actually performs on the tests. We recommend a practice test of both exams before your student begins test prep. These practice tests will give you the most accurate look at where your student scores best and which exam is a more comfortable fit. Taking one of each test is a great way to know for sure which test optimizes your child’s strengths. If you know the best test from the start, you can embark on the application journey with confidence and clarity.

Need more individualized advice?

The recommendations above are general suggestions. If you have specific questions, reach out to our experts here. We’re happy to help in any way we can.


About ArborBridge

ArborBridge is the global leader in innovative, digital, one-on-one tutoring. With nearly a decade of experience teaching students online, ArborBridge supports students of all kinds: home schoolers, AP students, test preppers, and more. Our tutors specialize in creating personalized plans and in providing compassionate support for students and families.


About ArborBridge

ArborBridge is pioneering 21st-century test prep to meet the ever-changing demands of standardized tests. We know that today’s students are digital natives. And with that in mind, every step of the way, we’ve integrated new technologies and innovative algorithms to develop the most efficient and effective one-on-one tutoring in the world. Our digital platform means we can match students with passionate, talented instructors from thousands of miles away. And whether you’re a student-athlete or the star of the school play, our highly interactive online programs empower students to prepare around even the most demanding schedules—at virtually any time of day or night.

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